Crow's Feet: Life As We Age
Getting older is not for the faint-hearted, but aging also brings wisdom and humor, a finely-tuned perspective on life. In the Crow's Feet podcast, you’ll hear the voices of writers who will inspire you and often make you laugh about this journey through life. Join our rotating cast of podcast hosts who bring fresh views on life.
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Crow's Feet: Life As We Age
Fit & Fabulous at 97, Meet Elaine LaLanne, wife of "Godfather of Fitness" Jack LaLanne
It wasn't 'love at first sight' for Elaine LaLanne, when she met Jack LaLanne, the "Godfather of Fitness." In fact, Elaine was eating a donut when Jack quipped "The only thing good about a donut is the hole in the middle." Now 97, Elaine is fit, active and effervescent. Listen in for her secrets to living a longer, healthier life and how she's keeping the legacy of her husband alive.