Crow's Feet: Life As We Age
Getting older is not for the faint-hearted, but aging also brings wisdom and humor, a finely-tuned perspective on life. In the Crow's Feet podcast, you’ll hear the voices of writers who will inspire you and often make you laugh about this journey through life. Join our rotating cast of podcast hosts who bring fresh views on life.
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Crow's Feet: Life As We Age
Demystifying the Myths Behind Being a Kidney Donor (Hint: Age isn’t a factor)
Kidney disease is a silent killer that affects more people than breast and prostate cancer. While fatal for many, others turn to kidney dialysis, offering a means to sustain life but with a few risks. Beyond dialysis, the best hope is a kidney transplant, which restores life without the burden of dialysis. In this episode, host Lee Bentch sits down with Carol Offen, a kidney donor in her fifties, and Betsy Crais, a multi-organ transplant recipient. Their book, The Insider’s Guide to Living Kidney Donation, is a must-read for both kidney donors and recipients about giving or getting the greatest gift.