Crow's Feet: Life As We Age
Getting older is not for the faint-hearted, but aging also brings wisdom and humor, a finely-tuned perspective on life. In the Crow's Feet podcast, you’ll hear the voices of writers who will inspire you and often make you laugh about this journey through life. Join our rotating cast of podcast hosts who bring fresh views on life.
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Crow's Feet: Life As We Age
Each of Us Deserves to Feel Better: Encouraging words from a shrink specializing in elders
Low mood is a common symptom for older adults, often a response to pain, loss, or changes in their lives. But Dr. Lee Penn, a Geropsychologist, college prof, and author, brings a hopeful message. That because of decades of experience, refined self-knowledge, and carefully honed problem solving skills, older adults can learn to manage their moods and greatly improve their quality of life. In this episode, host Jean Feldeisen, also a psychotherapist, talks with Dr. Penn about his work with older patients, including advice for them and their families.
Dr. Penn has written The Golden Rules of Retirement and The Golden Rules of Life Satisfaction, to help people take practical steps to feel better. You’ll find them at Amazon.com. To learn more about his research in Geropsychology, go to his website: lifecanbegolden.com.
Music includes The Green Room by Blue Dot Sessions.