Crow's Feet: Life As We Age
Getting older is not for the faint-hearted, but aging also brings wisdom and humor, a finely-tuned perspective on life. In the Crow's Feet podcast, you’ll hear the voices of writers who will inspire you and often make you laugh about this journey through life. Join our rotating cast of podcast hosts who bring fresh views on life.
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Crow's Feet: Life As We Age
Crow's Feet Extra: Elaine LaLanne, Setting Guinness World Record at 98!
Elaine LaLanne, widow of "Father of Fitness," Jack LaLanne, leads an audience of hundreds in breaking a Guinness World Record at the age of 98. After catching her breath, Elaine shares her new thoughts on aging.
“widow of Jack LaLanne, the father of fitness. At 97 years old, Elaine had a lot of good advice about maintaining your health and fitness.
Now, at 98, Elaine has just broken the Guinness World Record for the number of people doing Jumping Jacks simultaneously.
We are breaking the record for the most people performing Jumping Jacks simultaneously, here in person and around the world. In honor of LaLa's 98th birthday.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to shatter this world record.
Well, congratulations on your, first of all, your 98th birthday and on completing the world record for the most simultaneous Jumping Jacks.
Yay, we did it. It was an exciting time. We had 9,363 Jack LaLanne Jumping Jack Jumpers.
And that is 7,112 people over the previous world record. So we've got Jack LaLanne Jumpers in 40 United States and 19 different countries. Some of them were little kids, you know, and they were really cute.
This was the idea of World Health and Fitness Convention, correct?
Well, they have a lot of trainers and a lot of people that are into fitness. And during the convention, they have many, many speakers. So I've been giving away[…]”
From Crow's Feet Podcast: Crow's Feet Extra: Elaine LaLanne, Setting Guinness World Record at 98!, Aug 21, 2024
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