Crow's Feet: Life As We Age
Getting older is not for the faint-hearted, but aging also brings wisdom and humor, a finely-tuned perspective on life. In the Crow's Feet podcast, you’ll hear the voices of writers who will inspire you and often make you laugh about this journey through life. Join our rotating cast of podcast hosts who bring fresh views on life.
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Crow's Feet: Life As We Age
Building a Better Boomer the Funny Way
Neil Offen doesn't necessarily believe that aging "sucks." He just believes there are things you can do to make it less "sucky." Like spending more time on the floor so if you fall, you're falling from less high up. Or exercising by lifting two glasses of wine, one in each hand, for several repetitions. Or challenging yourself by taking up a new hobby, like neurosurgery. After all, a man's reach must exceed his grasp or what's a step stool for? Join Neil and host, Nancy Franklin, for other helpful, and funny, tips on aging.
Neal's book, "Building a Better Boomer" is available on Amazon and lots of other places online as well as brick & mortar bookstores.